First National Bank Branch Posters

Art Director

First National Bank boasts more than 300 branches and nearly 1.9 million customers across six states and multiple major metropolitan areas, including Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Cleveland. FNB is a longtime Adcom client, and my work for them has included print, television, radio, outdoor and digital. When they came to Adcom looking to refresh their in-branch experience, we produced five posters championing their customers. Bold headlines characterize the audience with a title, action or quality. We pay off these affirmations in the subheads, which speak specifically to the featured product or service. Beyond the copy, bold colors and candid photography make the posters a fresh addition to FNB’s branches. 

Words: Mike Derrick
Account: Ben Murphy &
Tim Seiple
Agency: Adcom
Client: First National Bank

Click each poster to enlarge